The Michigan Shoe Market is one of the industry’s oldest and most respected regional trade show shoe markets and is proudly sponsored and run by industry representatives serving on the Michigan Shoe Travelers Association Board. Established in 1936, this Market continues its rich tradition allowing shoe and accessory manufacturers and retailers from Indiana, Ohio and Michigan to gather under one roof to transact business.
Noted for its Midwestern authenticity and friendliness, the Michigan Shoe Market hosts two Shoe Markets each year to showcase the upcoming season’s fashions:
January Market:
Our FALL SHOE MARKET is our largest Market of the year featuring over 200 exhibitors of Women’s Fashion and Mid-Fashion Footwear, Athletic, Men’s, Children’s Shoes and Specialty Lines and Boots. We utilize three floors of the hotel for room exhibitors and the first floor of the Hotel is the Market home of the atrium and ballroom for booth exhibitors. This Market also offers opportunities for at once buys for Spring and Summer. Approximately 250 - 300 retail stores attend from Michigan, Indiana and Ohio and surrounding areas.
On Saturday evening before the Market, exhibitors can unwind from their travels at our complimentary Salesmen’s Dinner and Cocktail Hour. On Sunday evening, retailers and exhibitors mingle over complimentary Cocktails and Hors d’oeuvres. Each Market day morning, complimentary coffee and donuts are available in the atrium area. A complimentary Deli Buffet Luncheon awaits our retailers each afternoon.
August Market:
Our SPRING SHOE MARKET features approximately 180 exhibitors showcasing Women’s Fashion and Mid-Fashion Footwear, Athletic, Men's, Children's Shoes and Specialty Lines. Our August Show also offers opportunities for at once buying for Fall Products. Approximately 300 - 325 retail Stores attend from Michigan, Indiana and Ohio and the surrounding areas. Exhibitors display on three floors of exhibit rooms and utilize the first floor which houses the atrium and ballroom area for booth exhibitors.
On Saturday evening before the Show, exhibitors can unwind from their travels at our complimentary Salesmen's Dinner and Cocktail Hour. On Sunday evening, retailers and exhibitors can mingle over complimentary Cocktails and Hors d'oeuvres. Each Marketday morning, complimentary coffee and donuts are available in the atrium area. A complimentary Deli Buffet Luncheon awaits our retailers each afternoon.
The Michigan Shoe Market has long enjoyed the faithful attendance of Midwest retailers who recognize the importance of this Market that allows them to explore hundreds of lines and talk to knowlegeable reps who genuinely care about their customer's needs. Michigan Shoe Market directories are mailed to each Midwest footwear and retail store two weeks prior to the Market so retailers can look over the hundreds of offerings and schedule appointments with those reps whose lines are of greatest interest. The Market serves as a great opportunity for reps and retailers to collaborate and explore new options. In this relaxed setting, retailers gain a better understanding of the Market trends and the new products that will enhance their product offerings.